Пользовательское соглашение
Добро пожаловать в Gamer’s Galaxy! Настоящие условия и положения регулируют ваши отношения с Gamer’s Galaxy и использование нашего интернет-магазина. Используя сайт gamers-galaxy.com, вы соглашаетесь с данным пользовательским соглашением. Если вы не согласны с условями, пожалуйста, прекратите использование сайта.
1. Предмет Соглашения
1.1. Gamer’s Galaxy provides access to software products and information materials in electronic form on the Gamer’s Galaxy Website. 1.2. The User agrees to pay for and accept the Services on time.
2. Условия предоставления услуг
2.1. Access to paid Services is provided: 2.1.1. After user authorization through login and password; 2.1.2. After prepayment for Services, with a sufficient balance in the User’s account. 2.2. Gamer’s Galaxy tracks the User’s account balance and transaction history, accessible through the User’s personal web page. 2.3. Users cannot transfer their rights under this Agreement or allow third parties to use the Services. 2.4. The User must keep their login and password confidential. Gamer’s Galaxy is not responsible for unauthorized use of this data. 2.5. Gamer’s Galaxy may impose additional restrictions on Services at its discretion. 2.6. Software and information materials provided are protected by intellectual property laws. 2.7. Services are provided 24/7, with potential suspensions for maintenance or other reasons. 2.8. Gamer’s Galaxy may engage third parties to provide Services.
3. Обязательства сторон
3.1. Gamer’s Galaxy will: 3.1.1. Provide Services according to the Agreement; 3.1.2. Maintain records of User payments and Service consumption; 3.1.3. Deduct funds from the User’s account to pay for Services; 3.1.4. Notify Users of changes via the Gamer’s Galaxy Site or email. 3.2. The User will: 3.2.1. Prepay for Services on time; 3.2.2. Accept the Services provided; 3.2.3. Monitor and replenish their account balance; 3.2.4. Comply with the Agreement and Site rules; 3.2.5. Review official notifications from Gamer’s Galaxy; 3.2.6. Notify Gamer’s Galaxy if their login or password is lost or stolen; 3.2.7. Ensure their equipment is capable of receiving Services, including having broadband Internet access; 3.2.8. Avoid creating a negative reputation for any game if participating in Beta testing.
4. Срок действия и изменение соглашения
4.1. The Agreement is effective upon User acceptance and remains valid until terminated. 4.2. Amendments to the Terms and Conditions will take effect three business days after being published on the Gamer’s Galaxy Site. 4.3. The Agreement terminates immediately if the Terms and Conditions are revoked.
5. Расторжение соглашения
5.1. The User may terminate the Agreement at any time by ceasing to use the Services. 5.2. Gamer’s Galaxy may terminate the Agreement if the User violates its terms. 5.3. No refunds are provided if the cost of Services exceeds the cost of Services provided at the time of termination. 5.4. Accounts inactive for more than two years may have Services suspended, and accounts inactive for three years may be terminated.
6. Гарантии
6.1. Gamer’s Galaxy will attempt to correct any errors but does not guarantee error-free or uninterrupted Services. 6.2. Gamer’s Galaxy provides access to software and materials “as is” and does not offer independent warranties or support unless stated otherwise. 6.3. Gamer’s Galaxy does not guarantee compatibility with the User’s hardware and software environment. 6.4. By agreeing to these Terms, the User warrants that: 6.4.1. The information provided during registration and payment is accurate; 6.4.2. The User has the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement; 6.4.3. The User has the necessary knowledge to select the Services.
7. Ответственность сторон
7.1. The User is responsible for the accuracy of information provided and the validity of all warranties and statements made. 7.2. Gamer’s Galaxy may suspend Services for violations of the Agreement and terminate the Agreement if necessary. 7.3. Significant violations may result in termination of the Agreement and retention of advance payments as compensation. 7.4. Gamer’s Galaxy is not liable for third-party actions, including losses or damages not under its control. 7.5. Gamer’s Galaxy’s liability is limited to the amount paid by the User for Services. 7.6. Gamer’s Galaxy is not responsible for the security of the User’s equipment used to access the Services. 7.7. Gamer’s Galaxy is not liable for breaches caused by force majeure events.
8. Применимое законодательство
8.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom.
9. Срок действия и изменение соглашения
9.1. This Agreement is valid from acceptance and remains in effect until terminated. 8.2. Gamer’s Galaxy may amend these Terms and Conditions at any time, effective three business days after publication. 8.3. The Agreement terminates immediately if the Terms and Conditions are revoked.
10. Возврат средств
10.1. A product key may be returned only within 30 days of the purchase date. Within these 30 days, a refund can be requested in the following cases:
10.1.1. Перед просмотром кода продукта: Если код продукта не был показан.
10.1.2. Проблема с кодом продукта: Если сам код продукта либо недействителен, либо уже использовался ранее.
10.2. If you want a refund for a not-displayed key, please contact us at refund@gamers-galaxy.com.
10.3. If you encounter an issue with your purchased key, please contact our Customer Support Team or send us an email at support@gamers-galaxy.com.
10.4. Возврат выставленных ключей невозможен: Если Вы уже отобразили ключ и впоследствии хотите его вернуть, пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что возврат денег не предусмотрен. Будучи рынком цифровых ключей, мы не располагаем техническими средствами для отзыва или деактивации просмотренного ключа, а продавец не является непосредственным издателем ключа.
10. Политика возврата
10.1. A refund may be requested under the following conditions:
Лицензионный ключ не получен: Если цифровой товар был оплачен, но покупатель не получил его в течение 48 часов, можно запросить возврат денег.
Задержка поддержки: Если игра была получена, но у покупателя возникли проблемы, и помощь с нашей стороны занимает более 48 часов, чтобы решить проблему, можно запросить возврат денег.
10.2. If you changed your mind after receiving and using the license and wish to return it, please note that refunds are not available in such cases.
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